Saturday, January 14, 2012

Did you forget about us...?

Hey my peeps!

"Did you forget about us?" is a statement we waiters and waitresses sometimes hear when we've been away awhile. Seemed appropriate enough for this entry. Sorry no bloggie lately. It's been.. months.. I know.

So first of all, my sincere apologies and my sincere thanks to those of you have asked "Guy, what's up with your blog?"

You might still remember from awhile back that I said things has been pretty slow here at our restaurant (the understatement of the year, I would eventually find out) AND that I was looking for another part-time job to fill in the financial gaps...

Well, no part-time restaurant jobs were to be found by me here in Orlando, but I did "take" another "job" and that's where a lot of my time has been going lately. It's one of those "road to financial freedom" thingies that most of us (restaurant servers or not) eventually try out, and long-story-short, I've done okay at it. But as to this work blog, I had to spend many, many nights learning the product and how to present it, and many days off actually doing it. So, no bloggie of late. If you want to see what I've been up to outside of the many restaurant stories that I hope to catch you up on, just see here - - which has an "About Me" section that mentions my restaurant experiences and which you therefore might find kind of amusing.

So, I last spoke of "waiter 1-liners" and promised you more. That train of thought has totally disappeared from my brain for now - sorry! But I do have some drafts and lots more stories in mind from the past several months to relate - God willing in the near future, and as I can make the time. No joke, even tho I haven't blogged lately, I'm still writing these things in my head, even while at work. NO, I haven't forgotten about you!

(Caution however, because in a few entries you may see me flirting with the Dark Side of blogging about restaurant work, as I'm occasionally feeling a tad bitter about certain customers experiences of late. I'm going to let a bit of it seep out maybe, just to give you a more honest reflection of how most waiters feel at times, than you get from my generally up-beat posts...)

About the best I've got now (as far as a one-liner) is something a co-worker "Pistachio" said recently, but behind the customer's back. It's no secret and all waiters know that when someone orders a Diet Coke, you almost might as well bring them two. There's just some yummy addictive goodness in those things I guess. (I wouldn't know because I hate diet sodas. I drink the real thing, and have the waist-line to prove it.)

But on your very first trip back to the table (with bread, or to take the order...) 90% of the time their glass is going to be empty... so I kind of try to practice making a second one *BEFORE* I go back to the table in fact, so I "just have it for them" before they even ask. Scores me big points usually!

Well, no offense to those who drink them (and this is not at all a negative comment about anyone's weight - seriously, I'm at least 30lbs overweight myself) but I saw Pistachio at the kitchen's beverage station saying - as if to his guest - "I think the only one that diet of yours is doing any good is me - 'cos I'm getting plenty of exercise running back and forth to bring you your sixth re-fill!"

Which reminds me, one of the drafts I have for a future blog entry is on "The History of Free Re-fills..."

Stay tuned for more useless trivia than you can shake a straw at.

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