Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cheap Glasses

I've been in denial too long.

As of last week, I've started wearing "cheaters" into work, for when I'm on the computer. Most of the time they sit on top of my shiny head.

I bought them about a year ago from Wal-Mart for $10, and wear them a lot at home when reading, typing (like now), or texting. But gosh, into work?

Didn't mean to toot my own horn in the last blog that I'm some sort of mega-helpful or even mega-spiritual guy btw. That prayer I mentioned that usually evolves into being a good teammate, usually *begins* more along the lines of "God please save my arse tonight and help me not screw up at work again."

I'm new enough at this job that I make some pretty silly mistakes still. About two weeks ago I had to go to a manager for a "Void" THREE DAYS IN A ROW because I rang in the wrong food item and it went out to the guest. That always sucks. And that same week I ran a credit card on the wrong check, and it cost me $15 because their real check was higher. (I'll explain in some other posting how that works.) And I've several times forgotten to order a certain side dish, or failed to type in "special instructions" because I simply didn't see it in my notepad, altho I just wrote it down 2 minutes prior.

SO... wearing glasses when ringing in food orders has greatly helped my accuracy! Just what the heck was I afraid of all this time, I wonder? Half the people I work with wear glasses, and I've never thought myself prejudiced against people who wear them. I maybe thought "never me..."

But I know that somewhere, Webb Wilder is smiling on me because of it

To be totally honest, a hearing aid may not be that far off.

1 comment:

  1. I wear glasses nearly all the time, and put on cheaters when I go to bed at night. Why? Because most nights I listen to mp3's or watch mp4's and need to be able to see the screen. I always fall asleep with them on. They're cheaper to replace than real glasses should I manage to break them while sleeping. At any rate, growing old isn't fun or particularly graceful is it? I'm enjoying your blog and want to encourage you to keep it up. I wish I could manage the wherewithal to get mine going and keep it that way. Jim
